Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 26

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a Professional Development Day so there will be no school for the children.

If you haven't already done so please sign up for a conference for next week.  Please remember that your conference will be 30 minutes long - the first 15 minutes with your child and the last 15 minutes with your child and myself.   Just a reminder that Wednesday is an early dismissal (11:40a.m.)  and there is no school on Thursday so that we can conference with all students.

Club RED will be finishing on Saturday so hopefully everyone has read every day in the month of February, each day should be coloured and signed.  Please return the heart to school on Monday or Tuesday.  We will be having our CLUB RED celebration on Friday.  Don't forget to wear RED!

Our Anti-bullying Day assembly was amazing!
Ask your child what they did!  eg) What story was read?  What did they do with a buddy?  What did they get to eat? 
Here are some cool pictures of the sea of pink!  

We started new Explorations and at the Play Dough station they are to re-represent something they learned in our Force and Motion unit.  These creations turned out amazing so far...
Look Sir Isaac Newton!

Newton's Second Law:
This is Magnetic Repullsion

We also started some new math stations!   The students are most excited to go to THE STORES!  We are learning how to round numbers to the closest ten and the closest hundreds and how this is handy when estimating sums of large numbers. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

February 20th

Conference sign up is now available

Thanks to Adrien and his family for the Chinese New Year treats!  Gung Hay Fat Choy!!

This week we have been learning and experimenting with Newton's 3 Laws of Motion.  Ask your child to tell you about some of the experiments that we have done plus the different ones we saw on the Internet.  

On Tuesday we had a special guest, Mrs. Crook.  She taught us about Aboriginal People and told us the story "The Messenger of Spring".   We learned that we should not be called Indians.  Ask your child why?  We then made these cool place mats, which we wove and then added different signs of spring.     They look great up on our bulletin board. 

Skating was enjoyed by all.   Thanks so much to Marco, Kevin, Jaskirat, Amalia,  Sam, Nolan's  Moms for driving and to all the parents who drove their own child and helped out both on and off the ice.  

Could all parents please remind their child that when they go on Raz Kids it is really important that they only ever go on their own accounts.  Thank you.

Today we had a special guest band named Arium.  They were a very talented teen band!   

Friday, February 13, 2015

February 13th

Happy Valentine's Day!  Thanks to Manvir, Krish, Amalia, Kevin and Logan for bringing the yummy food for our classroom celebration!  We did a very cute valentine's project with our big buddies on Wednesday.  All the students were very excited with all their valentines and I was impressed with all the Thank you's that I overheard! 

Poem in a Pocket days seemed to be enjoyed by all.  Hopefully everyone is reading every day for Club RED, colouring and getting your parents to sign each day.  Just a reminder that next Thursday is Dress up as your favourite book character.  Thursday, Feb. 19th is also our skating day.  Don't forget to bring your booster seats, skates and skating clothes and gloves or mitts.  Thank you so much to the parents who have volunteered to drive, we still may need a couple of other volunteers as I don't have everyone's forms in yet but I will let those parents who said they maybe could asap.  Thanks for your patience. 

We do not need anymore toilet paper rolls or cereal boxes, thank you so much for your help with our projects!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

February 6th

A big thank you to Sam and his family for donating a set of 4 Mindcraft books to the classroom!   The students are very excited to start reading them.

Today we read a fabulous book called Owen & Mzee The True Story of a Remarkable Friendship. if We all loved this book but were wondering if Mzee the tortoise is still alive?   See if you can find out?

This week has been very busy!  We started new stations at Reader's Workshop stations, Explorations, Force and Motion and Math.  Thanks to everyone who sent in paper towel and toilet paper rolls, we are using these to build our own marble maze.  It is starting to take shape!   Ask your child to tell you about Tool Time, Magnetic Mania, Gravity Guess  and Building Bonanza.

Club RED is up and running, every day after lunch there is  music on while we read and yesterday was our first hallway reading.  Hopefully everyone is reading  at home, signing and colouring their heart daily.  Next Thursday and Friday is Poem in the Pocket - students can bring a poem from home (one they have printed, copied or even written themselves).  They should practice reading their poem so that on these days they can confidently share with adults and students!

Hopefully everyone is working on their valentines.  Please bring them to school on Friday, Feb. 13th.  Thanks again to Amalia, Kevin, Krish, Logan and Manvir for bringing in food for our celebration.

HAPPY FAMILY DAY!   Hope you all enjoy your long weekend!

Popcorn Sales $2.00 Wednesday, Feb. 11 and Thursday, Feb. 12th!