Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Thanks so much to Quinn, Lachlan, Kevin and Sam's moms for coming in on Tuesday for our Pumpkin Math!  We estimated, measured, and weighed pumpkins.  We also counted the seeds from our three different pumpkins and found that we had a lot of seeds!  The students discovered different strategies for counting the seeds - tallies, by 1's, 2's, 5's but later discovered that 10's were one of the best ways! 

Ms. Damoc is our new student teacher and has spent her week with us, we are lucky that she will be joining Division 7 for most of November. 

We started new exploration stations and for our art station we are painting Remembrance Day pictures.  We learned about perspective and how to paint so the image has depth.  At Science we are experimenting what sinks and what floats.

Next week I will be adding books to each child's Just Right Reading bag and there will also be a letter explaining this in more detail.

Book Fair has arrived at Fairview.  We had a sneak peak today and it will be open for purchases next week.

Skating!  Please mark your calendar for skating on Nov. 17 afternoon.  A notice will be sent out soon but we will need parent drivers and volunteers to help with this field trip.  Thanks in advance.

Everyone's costumes looked great today and the parade went very well!   It was super to see so many parents there!  Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Help Wanted!

We need 2 parents to help out with some Pumpkin Math on Tuesday morning - October 28th at 9:30, if you are available please let us know on Monday.  Thank you :)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23

 Highlights of our week...
Your Time - the students are enjoying this first thing in the morning.  "Your Time" is a time for the children to enter their day gently and meet their own needs before I start with my agenda for them.  They cannot run around the room but they can sit, talk, read, eat, connect, play, watch others, share toys from home and teach others a new skill (this week we had one student showing her magic tricks!)  Toys from home are encouraged and have a place in our classroom learning.  These toys come out during "Your Time" and live in backpacks the rest of the day.  I am encouraging the children to be a teacher with their toys and teach others what interests them about their toys.  Self-regulation is developed, as are communication skills, social skills and problem solving skills.

We played board games with our big buddies on Wednesday.

In Music Mrs. Godfry has organized so that each of us get to be the maestro for the week!  Your child will bring home a notice when it is their turn.

There have been some amazing spider webs made during Explorations!  Each group seems to be able to catch more flies!

We have learned more about spiders and made these neat spiders to go on and around our 'Mummy Door!'  What do you think?  We think it and our spiders look pretty cool!  

We have started our first Reader's Workshop presentations. The class is enjoying listening to the stories because the students are starting to read with fluency and expression.

Tomorrow is a Pro D day so there will be no school for students.

Next Friday is Halloween and our celebration.  Thanks in advance to these student who will be providing our snacks for this.  Sam (fruit plate) Nolan (veggie plate) Jaskirat (cheese/crackers or small sandwiches) Mallory (sweet treat) Marco (popcorn/chips or pretzels) Kate (cupcakes)
All students are welcome to bring a juice box for our celebration. 
Your child can be dressed up all day.  They may wear their costume to school that morning, but it should be a costume that can be easily taken off so they can go outside to play at recess and lunch.  We wouldn't want the children to rip their costumes before they go out trick or treating!   Thank you for your assistance with this.  Fairview will be having a costume parade in the gym at 9:00, parents are welcome to attend. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

YOUR TIME! Starts next Monday, October 20th!

We are starting something new on Monday called YOUR TIME! 
Each morning except Friday (because we have Family Reading) students will have the opportunity to spend the first 15 minutes of their day doing whatever they choose to do.   Children like most adults like to have time to socialize and share  things, ‘Your Time’ will give them an opportunity to do this or sit with a group of friends to play a new card game they had just learned, read a book together or show their peers a craft they had made, etc. Students are welcome to bring in something from home but they are responsible for it and after 15 minutes it will be put away for the day. So yes they are allowed to bring things from home with your permission (toys, trophies or ribbons, something they have made or just discovered).  We will not be doing Show and Tell or Sharing this year so this is a time that they can bring something in to share with some of their peers.   The children asked about pets, if it is a pet that has a cage and you are okay with it staying the day then that is fine or if the parent is willing (and able) to bring the pet for that 15 minute time frame and then take it home that is also okay.   No Pokemon cards or electronics are allowed out during Your Time but our class does have access to some IPads, if they wanted to do some research. 
I got the idea of ‘Your Time’ at the university graduate program that I am currently taking, other teachers have found it successful both socially and academically.   Even large corporate companies like Google and Facebook have realized the importance of giving their employees time to do what they want and by doing this, creativity and problem solving has drastically increased.  
For these reasons I was anxious to experiment with ‘Your Time’ and see how the students in Division 7 feel and respond to this opportunity.    Thank you for your support with this!

October 17th

This week we started new Explorations, everyone seemed happy about these new stations.  At art we are making Dancing Jack O'Lanterns and for math we need to do domino equations on the legs and the hands. The  students are all very excited to go to the Spider Science.  They will make a web using a hula hoop and masking tape and then see how many flies can get caught in it!  This group seems to have caught quite a few!
We finished our All about Me which included Our Goals...2 for school and 3 for home!   We also have almost finished our  bubble pattern name art!   These look amazing - next time you are in you'll have to take a look!

We used white glue to make a spider's web and next week we get to use our pastels to colour them in.  If your child doesn't have pastels yet please send in next week if possible.

We started decorating our door with Ms Mackenzie and Ms McMitchell  (student teachers from SFU) - something else you will have to wait and see!

We read with our big buddies which we do every Wednesday.  Then on Thursday we had an earthquake drill on Thursday. Please also send in comfort kits (information will be on the Parent Portal soon).

As I am sure many of you have noticed... your child's choice of home reading is often too difficult or too easy.  I do realize this but want the students to have this choice and also learn how to judge whether a book is a good level for them.   When they do bring a book that is too hard home please read it to them and get them to read the words they do know.  If it is too easy have them practice reading with more expression and fluency.  We started our Guided Reading this week so your child will bring home a book or story that is approximately their level.  This book is in a ziplock bag and they should be practicing this book at home.  Soon I plan to have 4-5 books (Just Right Reading) that they will bring home daily. 

Paint Sets - thanks to everyone that has already brought these in and if you haven't could you please send them in as soon as possible. 

Celebration Snack Schedule - just a few more people need to sign up, please just send a note in the planner if you are not able to come into the classroom.  I will be finalize this in the next week. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

October 10th

We have had a productive, busy week!  We finished our All About Me sheet.  We checked out everyone in Division 7's Birthdays and then graphed them. We have 2 sets of birthday twins this year (students with the same birthdays!)

 The students were excited to bring  home their 'Giving Trees' yesterday.  We read and discussed Shel Silverstein's book "The Giving Tree" and thought these trees would make neat Thanksgiving centre pieces. 

In gym we have been playing bench ball - a different version of dodge ball!

 A special thanks to everyone who helped out or walked with us for the Terry Fox Run.  We read the book Terry Fox A Story of Hope and then each wrote about our dream(s).  They are all on running shoes outside our classroom.

We also made these cool turkeys that you will have to come and see on the classroom or hallway bulletin boards! (Picture to follow next week)

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!

Friday, October 3, 2014

October 3rd

Family Reading this morning was a huge success!   Thanks to everyone that was able to come.   Each Friday we will be doing Family Reading from 8:30 - 8:45.

This week we have fun but have been busy...

making special Rainbow Name Tags!

writing our alien stories.

 at Explorations we played trains, marble maze, made paper bridges and explored the one that could hold the most pennies and made these cool fall trees!

we had our first Reader's Workshop - and reviewed IPads Do's and Don'ts!

On Fridays we have free choice centres.

Just a reminder to please sign up to bring something for one of our class celebrations this year.    We are a nut free classroom so please remember to keep this in mind.  Thank you in advance.

Next week could everyone send in food and clothing donations for our Friends in Need!  Thank You!

Terry Fox Run is Friday - if you can join us please let me know in your child's planner.

Oct. 2

You will find hopefully everything that is happening and going to happen in Div. 7 here.
Monthly newsletters and calendars will be posted as well as weekly updates. Student photos (not if you have not signed the consent form) will be posted and your children will have input as to what is included and shared on this blog. Hope you enjoy and check it regularly!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Welcome Back!

September 30, 2014

Dear Parents of Division 7 Students,

I hope you all had a fun and relaxing summer and enjoyed our fantastic weather.  Like all of you, I was very happy the new school year has finally started.  I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your children to my class and answer some questions you may have about this school year.

School Supplies/Planners

Most of you have already sent in your supplies. If you have not sent in your child’s supplies please send in as soon as possible.
Students will need a pair of sturdy running “indoor” shoes.  These will be used for gym and the classroom, this helps keep our school clean.  An extra set of clothes (including socks and underwear) is also suggested in case of any type of accidents (bathroom and puddles!).
As mentioned we will be using a student planner in Division 7.  ***The cost of the planner is $7.50.  It will provide home and school communication throughout the year.  The planner will be sent home each afternoon in your child’s own ziplock bag, and should be returned to school the following morning.  In addition, please note that on every page there is a section for Parent/Teacher comments.  Feel free to use this for any information you think I need to know such as medical/dental appointments, who is picking up, etc.  The plastic pocket at the front of the planner will be used for sending notices, money, etc. to and from school.  PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK IT EACH DAY.  The planner is also used to record the students’ home reading each day.  Could you please remember to sign or initial each night after reading, also feel free to make encouraging comments.  We will also use the planner for our Spelling program which will be starting later this term.   We will start using our planners tomorrow Oct. 1st.

As far as additional supplies are concerned, this year if you could please send in $5.00 for your child’s memory book which will become a keepsake of their school year. This covers the cost of a binder, cover sheets and photo expense. Please send in this $12.50 (please make cheques payable to Fairview Elementary) as soon as possible and thanks to all of you that have already paid these.

Getting to Know Your Child
I have attached a questionnaire that I would like you to fill out and return as soon as possible.  These give me valuable information and insights about your child that sometimes would take me months to discover.  Thank you!

Weekly Schedule
Hopefully Division 7’s timetable is set… Our library book exchange will be on Mondays.  We have gym scheduled for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday but as most of you know the Ministry has mandated 30 minutes of physical activity everyday so please ensure that your child is dressed in comfortable clothes everyday so that they are able to fully participate in all activities. 
The students will have Music with Mrs. Godfrey on Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays.  We will have Buddies with Ms Torressan/Mrs. Murray’s class each Wednesday.  Computers on Monday and Thursday and Family Reading every Friday at 8:30 – 8:45.

We will start the year off with a brief unit on “About Me”.  Each student will be asked to do a special poster and presentation about themselves which I will send more information about soon.  Our next theme will be Force and Motion. 

Upcoming Events
Individual Photos – Wednesday, Oct. 1st
Terry Fox Run – Friday, October 10th
Retakes – Wednesday, Oct. 22nd
Assembly – Tuesday, Oct. 28th  
Halloween Class Celebration – Friday, October 31st

We will have four celebrations throughout the year.  I am hoping that each parent could bring a snack for one of these.  I will have these available to start signing up this Friday at Family Reading.  If you are not available, please come by anytime to choose one holiday that you could send something.  Thanks your help is really appreciated. J

Class Blog/Website
Division 7 has their own blog which you can access by going to Fairview Elementary, then Classroom Websites and then Ms Rowledge-Toscani.  This is the main method of communication in our class and I will update weekly (usually Friday but for sure by Sunday!).  Please check regularly so you know what we have been up to and what is coming up.

Scholastic Book Orders
Several times during the year your child will be bringing home Scholastic book order forms.  Please do not feel you ever have to purchase any books but if you are interested they always have books at very reasonable prices.  Please indicate your choices, if any, and enclose a cheque payable to Scholastic Book Services, in a sealed envelope.  Unfortunately I can’t accept cash.  Please return the forms by the due date.

If you would like to help out please sign and return the attached sheet.  Thanks J

I am looking forward to an exciting and productive year with your children.  I am also looking forward to working with you, the parents – partners in your child’s education.  I will do our best to keep you informed on what is going on in the classroom.  If you have any questions please do ask, either write a note in the planner, in person or call the school at 604-465-9331.

Thank you,                Sheralyn Rowledge-Toscani